About US

I’m honored that you have chosen to come to our site. With Imasurvivor, my dream is to help others have the best quality of life possible, and I will never stop fighting for that cause. I consider it a blessing to help others that have just been recently diagnosed with a disease or have recently faced a horrific trauma, achieve the best possible outcome. Whether this help comes by sharing as much knowledge as possible or by connecting the newly diagnosed with those that have fought their same disease and won, this assistance can help patients meet the challenge they’re facing, and learn how others have survived what they now face.
Through beneficial treatments that extend quality life, I want to make a real difference for them now, and the next generation to come. Our organization will be a testament to the impact that one person can have by sharing their story.
Perhaps the most important thing survivors can relate to others is what happened – an event, a conversation, an epiphany... the tipping point – when they believed they could win the battle and survive.
The sheer number of survivors that exist – even if only a small fraction of them get involved – is a community so vast, that all medical personal and physicians, all hospitals and outpatient clinics, as well as all insurance companies, will take notice. It is my hope and prayer that one day even the medical community will direct these new fighters to Imasurvivor.org where they find strength and solace by gaining knowledge and communal support.
In closing I want to say to you that are now facing a disease and to those that have been involved in a horrific trauma, I’m in awe of your passion and dedication in this most important battle of your life to survive, you already are a champion!
To you that have survived, and get involved, I am as inspired by the sole campaigner that runs a race, walks for days, or swims for a cure, as I am by the organizations that rally together those that care enough to get involved. You are the everyday heroes I strive to be.
Please enter our site and find a way you too can help!
Dino Berardino
Chief Survivor Officer